My name is Taylor Skinner. I’m from Tremonton, Utah. I actually grew up 45 minutes north of this place and had never heard of it until, I guess about two years ago, I started searching on a journey for more enlightenment.

And I have been to course after course after course searching for more just because I know that inside that there’s more and I know that I’m capable and that human beings are capable of more than what we normally see with our regular eyes.

When I started this journey, I think I was telling these guys I’ve spent well over probably $120,000, $130,000 in the last two years just looking for a course. And my favorite part about this Vibravision journey is that in the other courses that I’ve attended, they fill it full of a lot of dancing and hipping and hurrahing, and all that stuff’s good. And then there’s a little bit of the low and very, very small part of the how.

But my favorite part about Vibravision is, it’s very energetic, but they are constantly packing it full of the how.

Just what… And I’m filled with so much information with this Vibravision. Like in my head, I’ve got so much to do and they did not… What is so cool as these guys have had years and years, 20 years of experience. And the coolest thing is that they’re sharing secrets with us that took them 17, 18, 20 years to find and giving it to us on day one and two, which I just feel like that just shows a lot where the heart of these guys are at. They’re wanting that really get you results the first time. And they’re not waiting to give you the secrets in the next level or the next level. I’m not trying to upsell me the whole time.

It’s a really great vibe here. I’m sure if you’re watching this video, I’m sure you’re already seeing lots of synchronicities. And if you’re seeing those, just trust the universe, follow it and just go with the path. That’s what I did. And I’m really grateful that I’ve chosen to do this because it puts all of these modalities that I’ve been learning and it’s linking everything.

Everything’s overlapping into this thing that I’ve found here.