Vibravision is one of the five (5) specialties of the almost 500 year-old practice of Merpati Putih (MP), which means “white dove” in Indonesia. It is an energetic and martial arts practice that teaches a comprehensive system of combat, movement, physical and energetic fitness, inner power building, energy healing, vibration detection, and incredible intuitive sensing. It was developed in the mid-1500’s by the Javanese Royal Family of the Mataram Kingdom as a secret system, and was initially only taught by the King to his heirs for over 400 years.

It began when the Prince Prabu Amangkurat went on sabbatical to India and observed masters of Pranayama and Kundalini Yoga. Prince Prabu was naturally lifted with inuitive vibrational abilities and was able to see and understand what the Yogi’s practices were doing. After returning to Indonesia, he began experimenting with how to amplify the process and he uncovered some incredible boosts to the ancient systems. So he passed them down as part of his legacy to his heir. Over several centuries and 11 generations, the MP techniques and practices were refined by the Royal family and practicing this art developed extraordinary skills and abilities. Abilities that defied physics and enabled them to do incredible things like: phenomenal feats of strength, creating energetic fields to protect them against the environment and then breaking objects thought to be unbreakable (steel, iron, stone, concrete) without injury, extrasensory perception and the ability to see and then fight or flee in the dark, remote viewing and hearing, moving objects without directly touching them, even remotely, and much more.
In the 1960’s long after the family was no longer ruling, Indonesia experienced massive civil unrest and violence ravaged the nation (known as the Indonesian Genocide), affecting the lives of millions of innocent citizens.
In 1963, Raden Saring Hadipoernomo, the 10th-generation Heir, decided to release their coveted MP methods in response to suffering throughout the nation. He wanted to stop the war and bring peace, so he and his 2 sons gave some of the keys they had kept secret to their people as a way to show them how to become more connected, peaceful, and spiritually aware, as well as empowering them with the means to defend and also heal themselves.
Within 3 years MP became the third largest martial art in the world with over a million active members. It was such a powerful force for good, it then became standard training for the Indonesian Army, Special Forces, Commando Paratroopers (Kopassus), Air Force, SWAT Teams, Presidential Secret Service, police and numerous private security forces. It is now part of their national identity, is taught as part of their public school system and is considered a nation treasure. MP is part of Indonesian life, but had never been seen outside…

Until Late 1998, when Mike Zeleznick and his brother Nate from Huntsville, Utah saw a video of Indonesian martial arts where Merpati Putih’s steel-breaking, fighting, and blindfolded skills were highlighted (including military and blinfolded people doing the impossible). They had a long history of training in other martial arts and wondered if this could be used to help help blind people in America. They never thought that they would be allowed to train, as the training of non-Indonesians was strictly forbidden, but they wanted to help blind people.
So they made contact and hosted the very 1st Merpati Putih Vibravision team to ever visit the U.S. and as it worked out, an amazing string of events or ‘coincidences’ came together and opened the door for them to become the first non-Indonesians to ever be granted permission to be trained.
In late 1999, as they were waiting to pick up the Indonesian team from the SLC airport, another Indonesian man met them there completely unannounced…
Dr. Heru Hendarto MD… a senior member of MP and former trainer for the Indonesian Special Forces. Dr. Heru was an Ear/Nose/Throat surgeon in Indonesia and as fate would have it, was pursuing his post-doctoral studies at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City just 35 miles from Huntsville. Incredible, as there were only 2 other trainers in the U.S. at that time, but they were far away in L.A. & Washington D.C.
Dr. Heru accompanied the group and helped ‘grease the wheels’ of the interactions by translating and assisting. At the end of this 1st adventure together, they all received a big surprise…
The leader of the Indonesian team asked Dr. Heru to train Mike and Nate in this art so that they, as official U.S. representatives of Merpati Putih, could truly know what they were promoting.

Dr. Heru is very loyal to the family and was very resistant to the training of Non-Indonesians, but after being directly requested by both of the 11th-generation Royal Heirs, Poerwoto Hadipoernomo (known as Mas Pung), and Budi Santoso Hadipoernomo (known as Mas Budi) (now both deceased), He agreed, and they began.
After months of an accelerated training regimen, on December 31, 1999, while most people were worried about Y2K shutting down all electronics, they were undergoing the most strenuous and brutal martial arts test they could have ever imagined and became the FIRST non-Indonesians in history to become official Merpati Putih members.
In early October 2000, after many months of grueling training and accelerated testing, they hosted another team consisting of both 11th generation royal heirs, one of the two 12th generation heirs, the Chairman of the MP Master Council, The Chairman of the Indonesian Vibravision Foundation, several Vibravision masters and a blind member to Utah where they were tested and initiated by the Heirs and the highest-ranking members of Merpati Putih (MP).
They were promoted to the Instructor level & officially granted permission to open the first Merpati Putih Academy outside Indonesia. This was a historic break from tradition, made possible by their oath to the Royal Family of Java that MP USA would keep the MP teachings safe and only release these trainings to members who will uphold Merpati Putih’s principles of integrity, compassion, and service to humanity.

After numerous training sabbaticals in Indonesia in 2005, 2007 and 2013, receiving training and being tested by the Royal Heirs, Special Forces troops, and the most Senior MP Instructors, they continued to develop and advance their MP knowledge and skills, offering in-person training only in Ogden, UT for kids ages 5+ and adults up to 80 years old.
Over time, Mike refined the practices of MP incorporating modern science, gamification, and the latest training strategies, distilling the traditional MP system into a precise method that fits the Western mindset, and allows students to learn skills in just 5 days that took many years to learn in the traditional way.
Using this system he has trained students to do extraordinary things that most people would think are not possible, and virtually all of his students experience massive breakthroughs in their ability to manage their energy, build inner power, and experience extrasensory perception in a reproducible way.

In 2016, the Vibravision Foundation (https://vibravision.org) was formed to use Vibravision to help people with limited—and in many cases no—sight to “see” the world around them again vibrationally, with amazing results. A portion the proceeds of all events and trainings is directed to this foundation.
We are excited to welcome you to the Merpati Putih and Vibravision community! We are honored to have your interest, participation and partnership for our missions in this unique pursuit of the highest human potential.
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