I’m Preston Campbell. I’m from San Louis Obispo, California, and I am at a Vibra Vision Immersion, and it’s been one of the most amazing experiences I’ve ever had in my life.

We’ve spent four or five days together learning some amazing things. And I found just during the course of these five days that I’ve learned some incredibly amazing skills to build up my energy, to balance myself. And for me, it’s really important because I am a consultant. I work with people, I’m trying to help people optimize. And I work with people in a way where I want to help them and sense their energy. I’m learning to sense energy, and I’m learning to develop my intuition, which is really amazing. And it’s going to be incredibly beneficial as a coach and a consultant when I’m working with people.

But beyond that, just for my own personal development, I’m finding I’m much more grounded, I’m centered. And, you know if you ever want to connect to the source, you want to feel connected. I’m feeling about as connected to source and to all the people around me as I’ve ever felt. And it’s just an absolutely amazing, beautiful feeling. The people are amazing. I can’t tell you what a good time I’m having.

If you’re out there coaching and you’re consulting, you’re working with people, you’re just trying to develop yourself in a way where you can raise the energy of yourself and the people around you, this is an amazing, amazing program. You could be in business, you build your energy for that. You could be just sitting at home, trying to build your energy, or you could just be trying to get centered. This program is incredible.

I hope you folks get a chance to do what we’ve done this week. I’m coming back and this has been one of the greatest experiences of my life.