My name’s Brian LeGette and I’m the CEO of Ammortal which is trying to reinvent us simple adventure, like a path to better health and wellness.

And I am here taking in the Vibravision Immersion, which has got to be the top three most exciting things that I’ve ever done.

I feel like for and when I say that, let me take a step back. When I say that, I mean that what I’m getting out of this right, is going to be more valuable than many other self-help things that I’ve tried to do. Many other experts and shamans and trainers and so on, have been able to help me with. The most important part of what you get out of this is a true revelation of things you simply were not aware of. So this isn’t like, “Oh, I know I’ve got muscles. Therefore, I could go to the trainer become stronger.” This is something where you get revealed and inner power that you simply wouldn’t have understood was there.

And, in a few short days, you get not only access to this, you get access to this from now, forever. I can charge it up. I can use it. And, even more importantly, what it gives to me from a connection within myself and to everyone else around me from just a straight human connection and then into, I’ll call it the quantum and so connection to everything that’s going on in a way that I almost had blinders on before I got here. Okay.

When I first got here I was thinking that this would be great for a specific type of person. Maybe someone who was leaning into an awakening or a reveal of within themselves. Now, I recognize that this is absolutely for everybody, because what happens in very short order on day one, is you make a connection. Whether you came here realizing that it was going to be there or not, you’re going to make a connection that’s deep and profound.

I truly recommend this to anyone that’s listening to this that says, “Hmm, maybe.” If you’re saying, “Hmm, maybe” it’s a yes.