My name is Dalton Locke. And looking at this immersion, this experience, I’ve got to say, when I came into this, some might say I was a little skeptical.

I do a lot of meditation, do a lot of plant-based medicine, I’ve been involved in self-improvement work for over probably 20 plus years. And I’ve literally never seen anything like this.

Now for me, I like to be pushed to really hard places. And the reason I like to be pushed there’s because it allows me to expand myself as a human being, as a leader, as a business owner, and also as a man. And for me, I’m always looking to figure out a way that I can help push my practices, whether it be, again, in business, in my physical, or in spirituality. And so when I talked to them when I was enrolling, I said, “Look.” They’re like, “What do you want?” And they gave me all these different things I could have. And I said, “Look, this is what I want. I want everything. I don’t want some of the enchiladas. I want it all.”

And what I found by coming through this training, by pushing myself to limits that I didn’t know I could push myself to, to getting to a point in time to where I literally thought of points in time that I couldn’t make it through it one more, one more second, I was able to push this a little bit further. And for me, I think that’s something that every single business owner, every single individual out that is trying to do something grand and big and trying to change the world, that’s exactly what they need.

They need that little extra point to be able to get past that difficultness because no matter what we do in business, no matter what we do in life, whether it be relationships, friendships, romance, there’s always going to be something difficult. And so what this practice teaches you is how to push beyond. And once you’re able to push beyond that, then there’s this place of magic. And I don’t mean kind of magic. I mean the stuff they show you how to do here, if you’re watching the videos, you can see all of these things they’re doing, and it looks like parlor tricks, but the truth is this is really well.

And the only way you’re going to build an experience that is to take the time, take the moment, fill out the information on the page, make sure that you contact somebody there. They’re going to walk you through this really simple process, and after that point in time, they’re going to interview you and make sure you’re a good fit here. But I’m telling you if you’re a good fit, don’t hesitate but to say yes. And remember, the only thing in life that allows us to have high levels of success is pushing past the fear. Right now you might have a little fear, a little trepidation, but if you say yes, your greatness is just on the other side of that. Anyway, I hope you come join us here. I hope I get to meet you sometime. I know I’m going to continue to move forward on this practice on a day-to-day basis. It’s not just about this. It’s about the practice and that’s what they teach here.

With gratitude, thank you so much to the team and I can’t wait to see what you guys do next. Thank you.