Hi, I’m Dustin based out of Los Angeles. I am an attorney by profession and I came to Vibravision because some of my friends recommended it here.

And it’s such an amazing thing. It’s really the developer of one’s intuition so that it really comes from a place of love where we are sending love out, we were bringing love back and it’s mystical love, I guess you could say when you add those two together.

And it’s just been such an amazing way to learn how to tap into my intuition. The people here, the community here are so heartfelt, they’re spiritual Jedi masters, and they’re here to help and spread love across the planet. If that is what you want to do, learning how to turn your intuition on, but also turn it off when you need to so that our powers kind of don’t take us over. We can be in balance with it.

If that’s something that you’re into if you want to be around the very powerful heart, loving felt people. This is the place for you. A hundred, a hundred percent.