I’m Chris Plough- and I’m Allana Pratt, intimacy expert, and what do call … extraordinaire.

We came to this event with an understanding that we would learn breathwork, martial arts techniques, and we would get more deeply in tune with our intuition. We wanted to really be able to be guided forth in the things that we create so that we can have a greater impact on humanity. What I experienced here was a set of tools that unlocked access to knowledge, and access to consciousness, that allows me to be more present, allows me to make decisions for the businesses that I’m creating, that is in greater service of me and those that I serve, and the service of our relationship. And I came here for all of those things.

One of the greatest gifts that I received as a result of coming here with my beautiful partner, was that it also gave us the space to be able to unfurrow and explore some parts of our relationship that really needed some care and attention, and to use the beautiful space that was provided here, to use the guidance from Mas Nate, Mas Mike, and many of the other beautiful, supporting staff, in order to heal, in order to integrate, in order to allow for an even deeper and better relationship. And so by coming here, my relationship is better, my personal intimate connection with self is better, and I feel better prepared to go out and to do good things in this world.

I came because I just trusted Mike and Nate. I’ll just be frank, I just trusted them, and whatever they were up to, it felt right. I’m a very intuitive person, so I’m like, “I’m in.” Then, I’m also a little bit stubborn, and I get a little pretending I’m confident when I’m not. And I like to make a big impact and say I’m going to make this big difference, but inside, I use these workshops. Like I’m a leader in my own world, but I use these workshops to be vulnerable and brave, and face that which when I’m in service mode I never slow down to feel. And so the safety in this place, and the high vibration of everyone committee to that same inner bravery, mixed with these extraordinary processes that we’ve learned. I’ve had direct experiences with the field tons of times, but never like in my body in a way that made me feel like the inside of me, outside, were all one. I hope that’s not too woo-woo, but that’s what it felt like. It felt like making love with the universe, and it was stunning. And it cracked open my heart in ways that allowed me to let go of my cranky and connect so deeply with you. And that’s priceless.

Thank you. I would recommend, for anybody who feels there’s something more out there like maybe you’ve achieved a certain level of success. Maybe you have a good job.

Maybe your relationships are good, but you feel that there’s something missing. You know that there’s a deeper connection to life. There’s a deeper connection to your body. There’s a deeper connection to something possibly beyond, I guess is a great experience to learn the tools in a safe environment to have those connections and explore what you want to explore. It’s an environment that enables. It’s not trying to tell you what to believe, who to believe, where to go. It’s giving you the tools to empower you to be you. And I highly, highly recommend it. That resonates with you, what we’ve shared resonates with you, definitely come. Don’t doubt it.

Yes. PS, there’s an innocence that a lot of us lose when we get attached to results, when we get older and we are accomplished, et cetera, to have that playful, goofy, dorky innocence, where you have … you let go of the mind and you can just go “Oh my God, I do have superpowers.” So on the one hand, I feel dorkier than ever.

On the other hand, I feel more confident than ever, and then I also feel like badass magical, like Wonder woman in my invisible plane. I believe in many things happened that made me believe in magic.