My name is Diva Nagula. I’m a physician, and I’m from Washington DC. And so, I have an interesting story.

I’m a physician who actually got really sick with cancer, and I actually turned to spirituality to help facilitate the healing process that I’ve gone through. And I’ve been searching and looking for many, many different things. And as a physician and entrepreneur, I have a tendency, like most people who are physicians and entrepreneurs, to be in the head way too much. And then, as a result of being in the head, we lose our connection with spirit. We also lose connection with our hearts, and therefore we also lose connection with people in the community. So, it’s important for us to go back to our childlike kid nature, where we’re curious, and we’re more in our bodies, and we’re in a playful mindset. And it’s really important to go back because we want to be able to foster new connections in our brains.

As we get older, we lose the ability to foster new neural pathways. And one of the things that I’ve learned here is to go back into play, and not take things so seriously. And that allows you to be able to be that childlike self that you were when you were younger. And me specifically, I have definitely learned that to be my child’s self, number one. Two is, the last few months I’ve been searching for ways to be able to feel that connection between my heart center, and my brain, and my mind. And I didn’t know anything about this when I first signed up, and I just knew that it was attracting me and I had to do it.

And as I was here and learning all the different techniques, and the different modalities, and going through each different day, I just felt my heart explode more, and more, and more, and it’s just bursting, so now I know what it’s like to feel in my heart center.

And it’s not only that, but now I have a pathway to connect, not only from my heart and to my mind but from my heart to spirit. And that is the most important connection that I could ever have made. And I was able to do this at Vibravision with the training that’s held by Moss Nate and Moss Mike. It’s very invaluable. I really think that this is for anyone, but I think this is very important for people who have a tendency to be in their minds way too much, and forget how it is to be in their bodies. And also, it’s great to not be an adult with a responsibility, and it’s really so nice and refreshing to go back to be a kid.

And when we’re doing this and it’s just… It makes us… In practice this every single day, it just brings that childlike mentality, and that carefree lifestyle that we had as kids, and that it brings it to reality into our every day. And we can integrate that into life on a daily basis.