My name is William Lee. I was born and raised in New York, New York City, lower East Side. And I found myself…

I found my way here to Utah where I call home right now. And I didn’t know about Vibravision until some of my friends flew into town to take the course and just raved about it. Of course, it sparked my curiosity. I stepped into it and, of course, meeting Mike and Nate first was… Oh, Mas Mike and Mas Nate, excuse me, were incredible because they’re great people, great energy, beautiful hearts. And that alone was already a way for me to connect and say, these guys are awesome. I’d love to learn from them.

And originally, Vibravision was explained to me as a school where you learn to see without your eyes. I thought that there’d be a lot of practical benefits of that, like getting up in the middle of the night to go pee. But I’m like,

“Oh, do I really want that skillset?”

And I trusted my intuition to come here. And when I realized that this is not just about seeing without your eyes, it’s really about tapping into the energy that your body has. And there’s a lot of stuff going on here. And these guys have figured out how to be able to, not only the knowledge and tapping into this amazing energy that we have from our chakras to the pineal gland, to… Without going too technical. But we’re learning the language that we inherently have in ourselves, and learning how to use techniques that have been passed down from generations of masters in Indonesia that eventually brought it to Utah here. And so, it’s extremely amazing to have this ability in the west, outside of Indonesia, to learn these skills.

As a participant here, just doing the immersion week, number one, was profound and it’s gotten me to really step into spirituality deeper, and trying to understand the things that we don’t understand and we don’t really know. A lot of us have intuition, a lot of us have instincts, and we don’t really know how to really step into that and hone those skills. And I believe Vibravision is a hack, call it a bio-hack, call it a cheat code in what we call life, to get the shortcuts to achieving these incredible openings. And I call it openings because there are different pathways you can take, and different things will open up for you as you tap into the power within yourself.

I think for Vibravision, it’s probably one of the best-kept secrets. If you’re interested in it, I highly recommend you stepping into it. If you feel your intuition is calling for it, step into it. These guys are amazing. The staff is amazing. The space is amazing. And you’re right here in Utah, which is great. Yeah.

Follow your heart, follow your intuition. If it’s your calling, do it. You won’t regret it. It’s pretty amazing. Thank you.