My name’s Brian LeGette and I’m the CEO of Ammortal which is trying to reinvent us simple adventure, like a path to better health and wellness. And I am here taking in the Vibravision Immersion, which has got to be the top three most exciting things that...
My name is Dalton Locke. And looking at this immersion, this experience, I’ve got to say, when I came into this, some might say I was a little skeptical. I do a lot of meditation, do a lot of plant-based medicine, I’ve been involved in self-improvement...
My name is Diva Nagula. I’m a physician, and I’m from Washington DC. And so, I have an interesting story. I’m a physician who actually got really sick with cancer, and I actually turned to spirituality to help facilitate the healing process that...
My name is Kyle Brown. I’m the CEO of Fit365 Shakes. I’m also been a transformation coach for the last 20 years and talk about transformation. This is a very hard thing to put into words. We’ve been working on that actually for the last five days....
I’m Preston Campbell. I’m from San Louis Obispo, California, and I am at a Vibra Vision Immersion, and it’s been one of the most amazing experiences I’ve ever had in my life. We’ve spent four or five days together learning some amazing...
My name is Sarah Clark, and I am just finishing my first immersion for Vibravision with Mas Nate and Mas Mike, and I’m from Colorado and I facilitate retreat and spiritual experiences for people. And I’ve had quite a lot of spiritual training over the...