Hi, I’m Nathan Young and I’m from Hawaii. I came all the way to Utah to find out what Vibravision is.

It’s something that I’ve been wanting to train since 2018 when I first met them. I was in one of the videos during the lightsaber attacks while one of the kids, TJ, was blocking everything I did. I was just like,

  • How is he doing that?
  • And how can I train that?
  • What does that feel like?

I wanted to know what that felt like because I train all these other things. I’m a martial artist. I teach Jeet Kune Do and I teach all these different things, and a lot of it is contact-based and we know how to sense people through physical touch, but they were sensing me through something else. And that’s something that I was really interested in.

I’ve heard of it before, like Qi, and stuff like that, but I never really dove into that area, because it’s really something mystical and we don’t know exactly what that is. I’ve always tried to read books on ways to explain it, but no one’s ever given a good answer and I’ve never got to feel it for myself.

So, I came here to feel that and prove it to myself that it’s actually there. It was mind-blowing, basically. I just have no words to say what I felt except that it’s there and it’s totally real. And there’s no question, everybody here that came experienced it. It was not like only some of us could do it. Everybody could do it. And it was just cool to see me as well as other people experiencing what they could tune into their bodies with. And that’s something not just physical.

We do have another consciousness in ourselves, and a way to tap into the world around us in a new way, almost like a radio frequency would tune in, basically getting signals from outside. It’s something that, if you don’t believe it, you’ve got to try. You’ve just got to come here and you’ve got to do it, because if you’re even on the edge of your seat about whether you should or not, just go for it. Just jump in the water and do it because you will not regret it, for sure. I don’t regret it. I’m going to come back for more and continue to train and it’s just going to get better and better. Check it out. Check Vibravision out. Come to the immersion and you won’t regret it, definitely.