By now, you probably get that the training that Moss Mike and I received in our earlier Merpati Putih years was pretty extreme. We’ve trained all over the world on all kinds of terrain and all kinds of temperatures.

And we’ve been blessed to have been the first non-Indonesians to do well, pretty much everything that’s been a first for non-Indonesians in the Merpati Putih system. And one of those amazing experiences was with meditation during our first Indonesian test in 2005. So, let me set the stage for this. After six years of being trained and tested here in Utah and training hundreds of students, we embarked on a journey to central Java, to the traditional birthplace of Merpati Putih, and an amazing place called Parangkusumo.

This is in central Java just outside of Yogyakarta, southern central Java. This is a very special place that’s actually an iron sand beach. It’s black, it’s extremely hot, and seriously, if you’ve run a magnet over it, it sticks to the magnet. It’s like iron shavings, but sand. And a lot of people have told us it’s the largest iron sand beach in the world. I mean, when you walk across this, it’s like walking across a field of electricity, like a field of electricity that’s on fire. It’s that hot.

When you do a Merpati Putih martial arts test, it is a physical, mental, and spiritual experience that’s unlike any other in the world. For this one, it was just Moss Mike, and I with the highest ranking, more potty, pretty masters testing us personally, to make sure that we deserved the senior trainer rank. So the test and initiation lasted for two and a half days, and we were only allowed two hours of sleep, one hard boiled egg, and a small cup of mung bean soup. That’s it. So after an hour’s long movement test, full-contact fighting, Vibravision exam, and a 19 mile barefoot run over a volcanic mountain and then breaking a bunch of steel and stone and concrete targets when we got back.

We got to undergo our initiation and hike and other 10 miles all night long to finally wind up on the beach at Parangkusumo, right before the sunrise, so that we could meditate and greet the sun, greet a new day as new people.

As we sat there doing our meditations, it brought me into such an amazing state. Have you ever seen a sunrise?

Like a time-lapse of the sunrise?  But have you ever seen a time lapse of the sun rising while you’re sitting in meditation and seeing the sun, the clouds, the trees, the waves, the birds, clearly, even though your eyes are closed and having 45 minutes pass in what seems like two? And being in a completely blissful surrendered state. Truly amazing.

Now this is a pretty fantastical story I know, and it was the end of a very difficult trial, but this kind of thing happens for a lot of our practitioners all the time, whether they’ve just been put through the ringer or not. And there really is no limit to the mind or what fun you can have with it. So, enjoy every experience you have, and we’ve just released our Breath Awareness Mastery Course. And we’ve had our Energy Expansion Course out for a minute now, and we’re going to be offering even more in the future.

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