I just witnessed an amazing event, several of them, actually. I’m here in the city of Herriman in Utah. Just finished up a just fantastic event called The Legendary Event

Hosted by some good friends of mine, Gerald Rogers, Allison Larsen and Tony Litster.

Energetic Strategies that Help Balance and Heal the Body

Now, one of the people who was here presenting at this event happens to be Gerald Rogers’ younger brother, Clint, who is a doctor. And he is the sole, or I should say not the sole, but he is the person who has taken up the mantle to promote and carry on the healing lineage of Dr. Naram. Now, for the people that don’t know who Dr. Naram is, he was called to heal people like Mother Theresa, the Dalai Lama; world renowned.

He passed away in February of 2020. Now, what Dr. Clint does is this combination of herbal, pressure point and alignment and energetic strategies that help balance and heal the body.

Dr. Clint Rogers Works on My Brother

Well, why am I mentioning this? I’m mentioning this because my brother, Mike, who is my business partner, but also the chief Vibravision trainer for North and South America, a lot of people don’t know this about him, but he was born with one leg shorter than the other. Or longer, however, you look at it. So for his whole life, he’s had trouble with his back, trouble with his legs, and almost always in constant pain. So now, today, tonight, in the course of 15 minutes, I saw something happen that I never thought would happen. And after seeing Mike go to chiropractors, osteopaths, numerous healers, massage therapists, I got to see Dr. Clint Rogers work on my brother in a really unique and interesting way. And he had shoulder pain, my brother had shoulder pain, he had lower back pain and he had pain in his knee. He had pain, like a scale of level four for his shoulder, four for his lower back, and seven for his right knee. And with what Dr. Clint did, just in literally five or six minutes time, Mike’s pain level went from a four to a two in his shoulder, from a four to a two, maybe a one, in his lower back, and from a seven to a one in his right knee.

Miracles of Healing

I’ve seen other miracles of healing done with this method. So this is an unpaid endorsement for the book, Healing Secrets of a Master Healer.

I’m just going to put that out there. I highly recommend that book.

If you have a chance to ever work with Dr. Clint Rogers, please do so. If you had something wrong on your body, I just watched something pretty miraculous, something nobody else has really been able to do in the decades that I’ve known my brother. And I’m so happy and really proud that I can promote this. Ancient Secrets of a Master Healer. It’s available now. Go pick it up. Not for you, for somebody that you love. All right, thanks.