Upcoming Level 1 - Sep. 20th-24th

When I was very young, my mind started to play tricks on me.

For example, I would look at a soccer field, and instead of seeing just grass, I would daydream and I could see all of these amazing animals.
I mean, that’s what kids do. I would make-believe and see all these different structures. But then it would go away, and I’d see the old soccer field. But I would create again, and again. I didn’t know it at the time, but I was training my mind to be aware of when I was going into the lower brain wave states. When I was around 13 or 14 years old, I started having spontaneous out-of-body projections and I started floating up and seeing myself outside of my body. I thought there was something wrong with me, but it also moved me to start to question if I was more than this physical body that I identified with.

Who am I? What am I? Why are we here? Where are we going? What’s next?

As soon as I got a driver’s license and a job, I immediately started my investigation into those questions. My very first purchase of my own was the book called Journeys Out of the Body by Robert Monroe. He founded The Monroe Institute in Faber, Virginia, where they’ve trained CIA agents on how to remote view Soviet missile locations. These people are legit. From then on, I became interested in not only the energetic side of things but also sound technology. For example, Hemi-Sync, with The Monroe Institute, or Holosync (another type of binaural beat technology), isochronic tones, and Spatial Angle Modulation.

There are so many different ways that we can influence the brain.

The Maury Method with Maury Zokovich was absolutely incredible sound technology, but I also wanted to find out more about what I could do without the crutch of having to use the sound technology to get someplace. I then went and got certified in the Silva Mind Method, I got The Sedona Method course, began HeartMath Institute meditations, I started looking into the Enneagram. I was trying to find out why am I the way I am? Why is that person the way they are?
It wasn’t until I came across Dr. David Hawkins’s seminal work, Power vs. Force. A wonderful book for understanding that we can find answers to those questions about ourselves using muscle testing.  Almost every chiropractor in the world uses it, and there’s a reason why. Because you can ask a question of somebody’s mind or their body and have their subconscious answer with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ very accurately. If you’ve never read it, you owe yourself that

Then I came across The Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson, and I knew right away that I needed to get certified in this. I needed to be able to help people with The Emotion Code. I’d seen it on some documentaries, I’d read about it. I’d had it worked for me. So I did. Then a couple of years later, I decided to step up to its big brother, The Body Code.
I got Body Code certified and am now a licensed practitioner. All based around the principle of energy, and how everything in the universe is energy. As Dr. Joe Dispenza, one of my heroes is fond of saying, “All thoughts carry a frequency, all frequency carries information.”

If you can ask the right questions to get more information, you can help people in amazing ways.

I am also a big fan of the Wim Hof Breathing Method. But through all these different things that I’ve done, there’s a reason that I’ve stuck with the Merpati Putih breathing and meditation method and the Vibravision® methods because there is nothing like them on the planet. Everybody who has come to us, whether they’re a 20-year master Reiki practitioner, or a yoga master who’s trained people all over the world, or martial arts masters, they all agree. There’s nothing like Merpati Putih. It is the next level. It is the ancient wave of the future.

All of these self-help modalities are wonderful because they’re for people who want to go from point A to point where can I go from here?
Where can I go? What can I do? Who can I be?

That is such a wonderful journey that we get to have in this lifetime because none of us came here to stay exactly where we are.

We all came here to become who we’re meant to become, but the only way we can find that out is if we try, we search and we ask, and then we’ll find.



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