As we know, everything in the universe is the energy of some sort. As the amazing Dr. Joe Dispenza says, “All things in the universe are energy. All energy is a vibration. All vibration is a frequency and all frequency carries information.”

When you think about it, anything in the universe is simply organized information that makes it, my cats over on the bed right now, or I’m a human being, or by phone or the sky and air, or whatever it might be. It’s organized information and organized consciousness that makes something, some thing.

We understand that everything in the universe is energy, but so are our thoughts. Our thoughts are our frequency as well. It’s well known now that our thoughts can create a change in the physical world and they can create a change in our circumstances. So a lot of people love their affirmations and love their journaling, but they’re still not getting the results that they really, really, really want. Why? Well, one of the reasons why is because it’s not just about what we say or what we think, it’s also about what we feel because our feeling is a much faster and higher vibration form of thought and so we can carry a lot more in a feeling than we can in a simple thought. When you feel well, what you’re feeling as much you’re feeling, what you’re thinking is not always what you’re thinking. We have a tendency to delude, or maybe distract ourselves with thoughts that are not actually what is the truth. But when you’re feeling, you’re feeling what you’re feeling, that is the truth of that matter at that time. So if we’re able to focus our thoughts and our feelings congruently, we’re going to get this heart-brain coherence that so many authors, so many scientists, are very fond of saying this creates a change in the physical world, it creates a change in your body, it creates a change in your thoughts, it creates change in everything that you’re doing.

How can we do this? Well, just like anything else, if you’re going to do it, do it right, right? But it’s different for everybody. There’s no one mantra that’s going to work for one person and not for everybody else, or it’s going to work for everybody and not you. However, there are some different things that we can do. Everybody has the ability to feel love. Everybody has the ability to feel joy and gratitude and appreciation. Even if we’re in a bad mood if we can focus on just one thing to bring this to our face. Even if that’s not there, do this anyway, trick your brain, release all those good hormones that’ll help you become happier quicker. But think about it for a minute, if we’re going to do it, start off your day in that state. Instead of letting life happen to you, instead, be in control to the best you very … most you can.

You may not be able to determine whether or not you’re going to have a flat tire today or not. I’m not saying that it’s not possible to prevent that through your thoughts and your feelings and manifestation, but you can always, always be in control and be in charge of how you feel through your state of mind and your thought.

One thing that I like to do, and maybe this will work for you, maybe this is your key that will help you live a happier life too.

Before I get out of bed every single day, I say, “Thank you, thank you, thank you,” three times. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I get another day. I am so blessed that I get the opportunity to be a human being again. A lot of people, don’t get that chance today. So even if it’s a bad day, even if I’m in pain, even if I’m not feeling well, I’m still grateful for the glory of yet one more day, that I get to experience this awesome thing called life.

Is it always fun? No, but that’s part of it. Without that, you wouldn’t really know what the most amazing parts feel like, or you wouldn’t really appreciate them. So I also say a mantra to myself and I’ll pick a different one every single day, depending on what I’m feeling. But one that I really like is from an author by the name of Gay Hendricks. His amazing book called The Big Leap, I recommend that to every single person, The Big Leap, it’ll change your life. A wonderful, wonderful read. The mantra goes, “I expand in abundance, success, and love every day. As I inspire those around me to do the same.” Again, think about it. “I expand in abundance, success, and love every day, as I inspire those around me to do the same.”

If you start off every single day being inspired and aspiring to great things, and also being grateful that you are able to influence and bring that same energy, frequency, information to the people around you in joy, in love, in connection, in harmony.

How can you not have an amazing day every single day, no matter what’s going on? Seriously, give it a try, but don’t even just try, give it a feel and really feel it deep, you’ll be glad you did, enjoy.