What is energy? When you think about it on the most basic level, energy is, well, most people say, “Well, energy is energy.” But there are different kinds of energy, right? Or at least let’s talk about it in the form of what we use.

We have metabolic energy, right? So we’re going to take food in, it’s going to be converted into energy. Sure. But we also have subtle energy, the quantum energy, the chi, the prana, whatever you want to call it. It’s the underlying energy that animates us. And there are so many different systems now coming to light. I mean, it’s been known for thousands of years, what chi is, right, what this energy is. We’ve got our chakras system, we have our Rhydian systems, but now we’ve got so many things that are just awakening in so many people all at once. And I have, it’s pretty obvious, this, this whole internet thing. There’s a saying by Donnie Miller, that in the age of information, ignorance is a choice. And it’s so true.

When do we think about our energy, how many of us get to the end of our day and we just have this much left? Is like, I’m tapped out. But how many other people out there start the day, they have a lot of energy, they’re positive and they continue to grow their energy, they gain in energy and they finish the day off and are like, “Ah, yeah. It’s kind of hard to sleep because I still want to experience more of my life.”

What if there was a way that you could have energy like that, on not all days, but most days? Obviously, eating well, good idea. Breathing well, absolutely crucial, absolutely crucial. It’s the first thing we do when we’re born, the last thing we do before we die, and yet almost none of us pay attention to it, unless we’re out of it, we’re out of breath or we’re in on fire and we have to hold our breath because there’s smoke or we’re going underwater.

But if you think about it, the breath is the only unconscious thing that we do that we have full conscious control of. You can’t really consciously control your digestion the same way you can hold your breath. You can close your eyes. Sure. But the eyes are not a vital bodily process. Whereas breathing, I think we can all agree, that if you go for a couple of minutes without breathing, you’re going to be in some trouble. You’re at least going to have some feedback coming to you, saying this isn’t right.

If we can focus our breath properly and do what we need to do to make our body as healthy as possible, this way it can offset so many of the other things in our life, such as the toxins that we’re all breathing in at all times. I talked with a good friend of mine who’s a doctor and he’s been doing blood tests on people to find out the level of toxins in their blood. That now, according to him, the average adult has between 300, excuse me, 200 and 700 different industrial chemicals in their bloodstream. And even with babies, taking the umbilical blood, just right as they’re born, finding over 200 industrial chemicals in their blood.

Even a decade ago, the average adult only had 200. And now, it’s 200 to 700, 200 is if you’re like the cleanest eating organic vegan that there is. You’re going to still have about 200 industrial chemicals in your blood. If you’re like most people and you just eat whatever when you want, it’s there you’re upwards of the 700.

If we have these chemicals, these toxins in our blood, that we did not evolve this way to have these things in our system. Obviously, there’s going to be a negative effect, over time, if not immediately. Doesn’t it make sense that our respiration is a very good way of cleansing our system? It’s not just taking oxygen in and breathing it out. There’s a lot more to respiration than just making sure that our heart keeps going and our cells get some oxygen. It’s a lot deeper than that.

And I encourage everybody to go out and do their research. Don’t just be a person who does what … It’s better to be a person who knows how to think than just someone who knows what to think. So enjoy your studies. It is your life. Go out, make it amazing.