What an amazing time in history we’re living in right now. It’s recently been discovered that low oxygen or hypoxic environment could actually be good for us.

In fact, the 2019 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine was awarded to a man by the name of Gregg Semenza, M.D., Ph.D., who found that lowered oxygen levels could actually be a very valid treatment for numerous illnesses.

And I’m going to actually quote this because on hopkinsmedicine.org, they say, “The discovery, along with Semenza’s additional work clarifying the molecular mechanisms of oxygen regulation in cells, has far-reaching implications in understanding the impacts of low oxygen levels in blood disorders, blinding eye diseases, cancer, diabetes, coronary artery disease, and other conditions.”

This is not new to Eastern traditions, but this is new to Western medicine. And it’s going to be so exciting to see what the Western medical model is able to do to help people. But, as I said, the Eastern energy traditions have known about this for millennia and now there are breath work modalities popping up all over the place, right? You have so many different people out there saying breathe this way or breathe this way, but isn’t it neat to know that science is actually backing this up now too?

And breathing is one of the most important things that we do obviously, but it’s also one of the most unconscious things that we do that we have conscious control of. If you think about it, it’s really hard to control your digestion consciously, but if I asked you to hold your breath for 10 seconds, pretty much everybody can do that.

Isn’t that time you started breathing right and breathing on purpose, instead of just having it be something that you’re unaware of when it has such an amazing potential to improve your life on so many different levels.

It just may be the most important thing you do in your life for your life.

If that involves getting a breath work coach, enrolling in one of our courses, finding things on YouTube that are free that will help you energize and strengthen yourself just by doing something you’d be doing anyway, isn’t it worth doing that and taking just a few minutes of your life every single day to make sure that you have a better life every day?