Hi there. My name is Nate Zeleznick, and I’m with Vibravision.

A lot of people don’t know this about me, but I was born on the 4th of July, so I’m an Independence Day baby. Now, why is that important? How does that have anything to do with Vibravision or what I do, what we provide?

Vibravision, when I came across this about 22 years ago, and I saw the possibility of having a method that could help blind people be able to essentially see, it’s not vision, it’s an internal sense of vision in the mind’s eye, but I could help them see in a whole new way, well, that’s real independence.

It’s not just for blind people. It started out that way. But aren’t we all blind to something? We don’t know because we don’t see it. It’s a blind spot, right?

We’re seeing now in our workshops, our five-day workshops, people are coming through, and they are having a massive shift in perception and consciousness, awareness, compassion, connectedness, coherence. Some of these people, they’ve been practicing Reiki masters for 20-plus years, pranic healers, yoga masters, people who teach breath work. They all agree, A, this is different than anything else they’ve ever seen before, and, B, it is the next level of functional consciousness, awareness and helping to take people from point A to the point, “Holy crap. I didn’t know I could do that” in as little time as possible.

If that’s something that interests you, just realize you are superhuman, we all have different abilities. We all have the ability to go beyond what society has told us we can do.

We’ve been kept limited. Whether that’s on purpose or not, doesn’t matter. We have been kept limited by what we’re fed in the media, by our parents, by our teachers, by ourselves, eventually.

Isn’t it time to actually seize your amazingness? And I’m not talking about rah-rah. I’m actually talking about developing something that you never thought you would have in your entire life. You’ve only seen it in movies. Let me tell you, it’s possible. It’s possible for you. It’s possible for everyone. We have these abilities, we have the hardware. We just have crossed wires with most of us, and we need a software upgrade.

That’s what Vibravision does. That’s what our immersions do is align the hardware, upgrade the software, and soon, in just a couple of days, people get to experience that they are more than their physical body. They have no doubt about it whatsoever, and the sky, I wouldn’t even say the sky, outer space is the limit to what we can really do.

If you feel like it’s time for you to get into an expanded state, if you feel like it’s time for you to realize more of the richness that your life really can hold, well, please reach out to us. We have five-day immersions coming up all throughout 2021 and in the future.

We even can come to you. If that’s something that really interests you, if you’ve got a group of people here in the United States, we will travel to you to teach you something that will take you beyond anything you’ve ever thought of being possible for you before.

Thanks so much. Looking forward to seeing you soon.

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