It’s a mind, body, spirit balance. Going even deeper. I think this is Part Four. Geez, there’s just so much to say.

A very interesting study that we had seen that had come out of Indonesia when we look at that mind, body, spirit balance and the miraculous results that this method and this system can create in such a short amount of time. Back in the early ’80s, they took a group of Indonesian new recruits. And at that time it was a socialist government, so it was basically when you come of age you go and you serve for two years in the military, or you go to jail.

They bring all of the new recruits in and then they separate everybody out into different battalions, and they go and they do basic training. And the basic training is five months long. It’s nine hours a day, and it is absolutely brutal. Physical exercise, coupled with obstacle courses and all kinds of different things that they’re preparing them for this big battalion contest that at the end of the five months they all get together, they go and all compete in the obstacle courses and then get together at the end and crown the champ drill instructor, or battalion chief, or whatever they call them over there.

In any case, they decided to do an experiment with the Merpati Putih system because they’d already been using it in the Special Forces, but they decided, “Hey, let’s see what you can do with the normal troops.” They took them, and instead of having them do the nine hours a day, six days a week, they just had them go do [inaudible 00:01:39] exercises and Merpati Putih energy building and maintenance and meditation’s three times a week. Just three times a week for an hour and a half. So they were four and a half hours worth of training versus 56 hours of training.

And at the end of the five months, not only did the Merpati Putih group beat every other group in the competition but every group that had ever come before them set a new world and national record in their contest.

At that time, they said, “Oh my gosh, not only do they have the physical ability to do the obstacle courses and have incredible endurance above and beyond all of our other athletes but by releasing the stress and being able to put their mind in a state of calm and peace and access their total self, they were able to face the obstacle courses they’d never seen before and tackle these challenges like nobody had ever done before.”

And if they can do that with one group of the military, and then obviously they decided, “Hey, we’re going to go do this with every group of the military,” but if they can do that in their life, what can we do with it in our life? Well, your life is your own, and I’m not sure what challenges and things that you’re facing in your life. But if you want the tools to be able to overcome those challenges and turn your biggest challenges into your biggest successes, this is definitely going to be a huge step in the right direction.

Once again, mind, body spirit balance, we balance out the body, start affecting the mind in a positive way. We can start to really open the gates to our true power, which is in the spirit. I’ll save that for the next section, but if you’re ready to totally change your reality, do these exercises, they will change your body, you will change your mind and then your spirit will start changing.

Definitely look forward to seeing what you can do with it. Good luck. We’ll see you there.