Hey there, let’s talk about life balance for a moment. Have you ever felt out of balance? Yeah, I think that’s part of being human, we’ve all felt out of balance. But what does that mean out of balance?

The thing is that each of us is unique, each of us is different, we all come from someplace, we all have a background and a story, we all have different likes and dislikes, we all have different preferences and favorites or whatever. There are 10,000,001 variables that go into this balance. It’s so much more than just work and life or home and school or whatever it is that you might be facing in your current life right now because life is fluid. We’re moving through life and things change. It’s kind of like a car tire, let’s say, for example, you’re rolling down the road and the scenery changes, we get new opportunities, new challenges, new growth. It’s never the same two days in a row, even though it looks a lot like yesterday.

This life balance is a really delicate thing. And like a car tire, especially over here in the west, we don’t really pay attention to it. We can go 20,000 miles down the road and not even realize there’s a problem until it starts going and everything’s shaking and we feel like life’s falling apart. And oh my gosh, there’s something wrong here. I can feel it, I’m out of balance. But over in the east, they kind of do things a little bit different, they pay attention to their tires a lot more. Preventative maintenance. They pump up the air, they balance it, they rotate it and they can get a hundred thousand miles out of a tire that we over here might only get 40,000 miles out of.

We’ve just really recently released the energy expansion program, which is the first part of the more popular Merpati Putih energy and meditation system. And this is going to blow your mind. If you want to experience some incredible shift in your life balance, the key is to pump up your tire because it’s the number one way to destroy our tire is to drive on it when it’s flat.

If you pump up your tire, start feeling more balanced, so many doors are going to open for you. Can’t wait to see what you guys are going to do with this.