In one of my earlier segments, we were talking about life balance and the three main aspects. I was asked to clarify a little bit deeper how that affected me and really how I experienced that and stumbled into the curiosity of what was happening there.

I found this earlier in life. I started noticing a lot of patterns and inconsistencies in my life. For example, sometimes I could go out and it was freezing cold and snowing and blowing and windy and I was in a tee-shirt and I was totally fine, and other times I’d be inside three layers on under a blanket, 75 degrees, and I was shivering and I was sweaty and couldn’t figure out why I could be out there sometimes it’d be cold, and then I could be in here totally bundled up and not be able to get warm.
I had other experiences like sometimes I could not stay in bed. My toes start twitching and I just can’t wait to get up and go on this hike or go on this fishing trip or had something fun. It was the worst thing ever is being sick on field day, right? I’m so excited. I can’t stay here. I got to go. Anyway, I’d wake up in the morning and I couldn’t stay in bed. And then maybe you guys have experienced the other side of it when you wake up and you’re just like, “Nope, I’m going to stay here and wrestle my pillow because I’m winning.” And basically, I started noticing that sometimes I have tons of energy and other times I didn’t have energy, and what was this energy stuff? What was the determining factor? What was really going on? What caused these inconsistencies in my life?

And really when it comes down to was more than just food. It was more than just mindset. Really what it came down to is what I like to refer to as creative energy. We are electrical beings and this creative energy is a very interesting thing that when kids don’t have anything to do, they find a way to use their creative energy, and usually, it’s not so good. They should create a special expression just for that that has nothing to do with religion. It’s actually idle hands that are the devil’s playground. That literally means, “Hey, keep them busy or you’re going to end up scrubbing crayon off the wall and taking a whole roll of toilet paper out of the toilet,” and things like that.

The fun part about it is that we’re all just big kids. And when we were talking about the preventative maintenance of filling ourselves up with energy, this creative energy always wants to flow.

It always wants to find a way out. That’s why you have to keep kids busy. And that’s why we have to put it to good use in our adult lives in our life balance because if we don’t put it into good, constructive use, we will still find a way out through stress or through sickness or different things that can show up in our life that are totally out of balance.

One of the coolest parts about our Vibravision maintenance system that we just released on the Energy Expansion Program is it is the perfect balance of not only using energy physically but also generating more and then with meditations, learning how to harness that, focus it and put it back into your battery to save it for later or to use it as a program to run through our body to attain so many benefits and results.

I better cut this off here, but I will be back with another segment and we’ll go a little bit into the benefits and the things that we experience the first time we start doing this stuff and what carries on for years afterward, how it builds. In any case, there’s so much more to come, so please stay tuned and we’ll see a little bit later.