Mind, Body and Spirit Balance, part three. We were talking a little bit about how this is going to affect our physical body, and eating less, sleeping less, getting sick less, and just generally feeling way better all the time.

I wanted to go a little deeper into that, the mind and the spirit aspect, so let’s start in the mind. One of the biggest things about stress relief is exercising and doing it the right way. The coolest part about this system is that it quiets our mind because it’s incorporating our body. I personally had done a lot of energy work and meditation courses. I had a bunch of certifications all the way down before I found MP. And I was at a very, very challenging time meditating because I’m a high-energy person just naturally and probably the original patient zero for ADD. Back in the day, there was no Ritalin or any medications, though. It was hard work to get our attention.

And what I noticed immediately when I started practicing, just the very first base meditation that we share with you in the Energy Expansion Program, it’s like the master loading program for everything else, and it actually incorporates the body. And so instead of sitting there in a lot of the other meditations that I had done where I had a hard time focusing because I was sitting there and listening just to the silence or one hand clapping or the voice of God or whatever. And then all of a sudden, my mind would start going back to that time when I couldn’t sleep and when I was in second grade and I hit the mailbox and I had a black cat or whatever. All of a sudden, these random thoughts, this mental noise, the monkey mind, so to speak, would just take over.

And when I did the first meditation that we teach you in the Energy Expansion Program, it was like a freaking rocket. It took me to places that I’d never been because it actually quieted my mind by giving my body a say in it. And when I very first started that process, I went deeper than I’d ever been in any meditation before, and that was just a base loading program for the Merpati Putih system.

Basically, in the balancing act, if we don’t release the stress through exercise, then it’s going to find a way out, and it’s going to come out in a negative and unproductive way by affecting our body, lodging in our tissues, and then starting to destroy us from the inside out.

And these exercises that we do, the coupling of the exercise first to generate the electricity and flush everything, and then the meditation to be able to get our mind and our body together, really changed the game, as far as inner peace and quiet, because our body now feels at ease. Our mind can actually say, “Oh, I enjoy this.”

And when I start into that process, the rabbit hole just keeps going. We can go deeper and deeper and drop our brainwave frequencies in such a fast way that it’s miraculous, actually, how quiet we can become on the inside by incorporating our body first. And the very specific way of doing that is absolutely unmatched. It is out of this world. That’s why it’s used by every branch of the Indonesian military and all of the secret service, special forces, all of those because they can find their inner peace even in the midst of the chaos. I hope that you’re not in wartime or things like that, but sometimes our life just in general feels a little bit like a war, like we’re being hit from every angle, and wouldn’t it be amazing to be able to find your calm and inner peace in the middle of that?

There’s a lot more that goes into the mind, and I’ll cover that here in the next segment, but as it is for right now, let’s just say if you’re ready to experience new levels of inner calm and peace and tranquility and really start finding your alignment, which I’ll talk about spirit a little bit in the next section as well, but you definitely got to check this out because it is a whole different world just waiting inside.

So enjoy a free trial, a free class, energy intro class, if you haven’t done that yet. And can’t wait to see what you’re going to be able to do and the levels you’re going to be able to hit in your mind, body, spirit connection.

After trying this program, you’re not going to believe it. It’s so amazing. So we’ll see you there.