Welcome back, and just continuing on from the last section here a little bit, we were talking about this creative energy and how it always wants to flow and how it’s the key to maintaining our life balance.

I was talking a little bit about some of the benefits, but I really figured this time I would dive deep into what we can really expect from doing the Energy Expansion Program and the Merpati Putih and Vibravision maintenance exercises.

Right from the get-go one of the biggest things that we’re going to notice is a huge burst of energy, increased flexibility, and just ease in breathing and everything that we’re doing. But it goes so much deeper than that, really. Myself, personally, I used to get sick four times every year. Two colds, two flu. My mom could put it on the calendar five years in advance. Bam. I was going to be exactly right when she penned it out. This is when you’re going to be sick.

Since I started doing Mapati Putti I think I’ve been sick a total of 11 times in 20 years. And so we get sick less than half as much. And not only that, when we do get sick, it usually is other people are down and out and we’re just, “Oh yeah, I don’t feel very good.” It only hits us half as hard and it only lasts half as long. So a huge boost to our immune system. They’re actually using this in Indonesia and distributing it throughout the different villages as a COVID preventative right now as well. And so supercharging our immune system, we basically start eating less, we start sleeping less, we start getting sick less. We start having more energy and that’s energy on demand.

If you have the worst day in the world and you’re feeling beat down, you go do these maintenance exercises and it’s like hitting your massive reset button.

All of a sudden, you’ve got a brand new day. Let’s say you had a bad day at work. Well, now you’re free. What are you going to do with that? You don’t want to suffer from that and that. No, you’re through that, let’s go ahead and move on into our creative space. This is our life. Let’s go and have an awesome time.

We do our maintenance exercises and we completely refresh ourselves. This is what’s being shared in the Energy Expansion Program. And I’m positive that when you guys experience this, it is going to absolutely rock you. You’re going to love it. The expression, or should I say slogan for MP USA is, do it, feel it, love it. If you do it, you will feel it. And if you feel it, you will love it.

I basically just help people do these exercises on the days that you want to feel awesome because it will absolutely change your day and therefore change your life.

I hope that you guys enjoyed the Free Energy Intro class, the Mind-Body-Spirit Energy Intro class, and you are going to love the full Energy Expansion Program. We’ll see you there.