I just finished reading an interesting article from Boston University. You know, I’ve been wondering, with COVID and this discussion of mental health and depression and suicide increase, just how much has depression increased?

According to Boston University, It’s tripled. So I’m wondering, how are you? COVID has thrown the entire world into an interesting tailspin that we’re going to pull out of course, but for so many people going through so many difficult, trying times in their lives, and so many people deciding to check out early, it’s really important, crucially important, that we check in with ourselves and ask ourselves, “Hey me, how are you doing? What’s going on? How are you feeling? What’s happening in here? What’s happening up here?” Because what you program up here affects everything else here.

Pay attention to your feelings and realize that you are the creator of your reality

I just want to wish you the best day ever. Pay attention to your breath, pay attention to your thoughts. You and you alone are in charge of how you feel.

Please reach out to whoever you need to

And if you’re not feeling a way that is healthy, you’re not feeling in a way that you know is going to help you live a better life, please reach out to whoever you need to. There are people there for you. We’re here for you. Reach out to us. We got you, and you got you.
