A lot of people who subscribe to our channel and like and follow us, also are big fans of Dr. Joe Dispenza, and rightfully so. We’re definitely in the same sandbox. So one of Dr. Joe’s things that he really makes a big point of in his advanced retreats is what we feed our mind on a daily basis. And one thing that he said that I will never forget is, “Don’t watch anything that you don’t want to experience.” Let me say that again, “Don’t watch anything that you don’t want to experience.” So that’s why I don’t watch horror movies, I don’t watch the news, I don’t watch things that are crime dramas with people being abused or murdered, or … You know what I mean because I don’t want to experience those things. And this is what I mean. It doesn’t mean if you’d watch a scary movie, all of a sudden, “Ah, this chainsaw murderer is going to come through the door. “No, it’s not going to be manifesting that way.

There is a physiological reaction to whatever your thoughts are

When we experience a heightened emotion and that can be a heightened state of arousal, fight or flight, it can be love, it can be happiness and joy. But whatever it is, if it is strong, we’re going to have a physiological reaction to whatever those thoughts are, and we’re going to start producing chemicals that our body tells us, “This is really happening.”  For instance, when we watch a sad movie, maybe it’s one about love and it uplifts us and it brings tears to our heart or tears to our eyes because of joy, but maybe it’s a war movie. Maybe it’s a movie about abuse. Maybe it’s a TV show that deals with crime and what’s really happening in the world. When we tune into those things, we tune into these things in our body as well.

High elevated emotions are healthy for us

When we go to the amusement park, we want that adrenaline rush. When we go and watch a scary movie, “Oh, what’s going to happen?” We’re biting our fingernails. Our body is processing that as a real event. And as we know, now we know. We know now that our thoughts can make us sick, but they can also make us well. They can also make us well, which is why meditation, positive outlook, counting our blessings, staying, as often as we can, in a state of appreciation and gratitude, joy, peace, love. These high elevated emotions are so healthy for us. Whereas, if we are staying in the lower emotions of judgment, pain, hate and anger, we’re going to reap what we sow.

This is your field, what are you going to be fertilizing?

You get to sell whatever you would like here. What are you going to be using as fertilizer? It’s up to you.

Science and medicine now tell us that the best fertilizer is love. The best fertilizer is gratitude. The best fertilizer is appreciation.

Well, we can measure it and we can see a difference. So if you feel it, you’re going to make a difference for yourself. Enjoy your day. Go out and make that difference for yourself.
