Do you want more energy?

People often ask me how I have so much energy when I don’t eat very much, I don’t sleep very much, and I’m always running around like a madman bouncing off the walls, full of energy.
Well, I have to turn and ask them, “Do you know where energy comes from?” Because we have three basics that most people know:
1. Diet; eat good food
2. Exercise, and
3. Get plenty of rest

But they’re actually missing the key component that makes all of it work, which… In order for me to really explain, let me relay it to something else that is really familiar to most people:

Energy creation in a car

In a car, we take gasoline and we burn it, and we create energy. But along with that energy also comes a byproduct, which is the exhaust and it’s poisonous, it goes out from the back.

We are also electric beings.

In our bodies, the same thing happens, which we are a freaking miracle. Only life can take something that is completely non-electric, like food, whether it’s meat or vegetables or whatever it is you’re eating, put it in your body and then create electricity, we are electric beings. We know that we’re electric because they measure our brain, our heartbeat with electrical devices. We experience it every time we hit our funny bone and we feel the shock come up to our pinky, because our entire body is an electric system, and that electricity is running through all of our nerves and taking care of all of ourselves.

But, to create that electricity is a different story. It’s very similar to the car, only instead of gasoline, we eat this food and it gets digested and metabolized, turned into blood sugar and then pumped throughout our body, into our muscles and our tissues where it gets burned. And then we also have a byproduct, which is lactic acid, that’s when you feel the burn and you feel a sore the next day.

We want to create unending and limitless energy. What we really need to look at is the key factor that happens in the engine, because it’s not just putting good gas in the car, it’s the compression factor. There’s a very specific ratio of air or oxygen, and the fuel, which allows the spark plug to actually create the fire and make the energy.
In our bodies, it’s the same thing. And really, breath is the most underutilized and neglected thing in our society. We take like 28,000 breaths a day. We never think about our breath, except for when we’re out of breath or we’re yawning.

The energy expansion program starts scratching the surface for how to actually change our body’s metabolism and how to get that compression ratio in ourselves to create more energy faster.
Definitely look forward to hearing your stories, please go check out the free trial, and then if you feel amazing energy, you got to check out the Energy Expansion program. It is going to blow your mind, and get you brimming over the brim with energy. Can’t wait to see it, we’ll see you there.