Work ethic. What is it? And, how do we get it? Growing up, we had all kinds of animals. We had horses, we had a mule, we had sheep.

We had chickens and ducks. Once in a while, a skunk would wander into the barn. We had all these different animals to take care of. And from a young age, my parents, really instilled in me how important it is to look out for the things that were in charge of and to make sure that we’re not being so selfish and self-centered that we forget that there are oftentimes things, people, pets, relying on us for their life.

Oh yeah, cats and dogs too. How could I forget my cats and dogs?

One thing that really impressed upon us, how important it is to look out for the people in our community and the beings in our community, came with a little bit of old school wisdom where it was well known in our house, that if you did not feed the horses, you did not either until they did. They can’t go feed themselves, they’re reliant on you. Therefore, if you’re going to leave them without food, my parents having me be reliant on them, and my brothers are reliant on them, the same thing. So, they taught by example, that we need to look out for the people that were in charge of. We need to look out for the things that are counting on us. Because sometimes, we’re counting on other people too. And just like the golden rule, we don’t like it, if someone doesn’t do something nice to us, or that we don’t like it if somebody does something mean to us or is not nice to us.

And so, we treat others the way we wanted to be treated. And the thing is, this is doesn’t extend just to other human beings. When we become more aware of what is, and the energy that we are and our connection to everything in nature in our daily environment, it makes it almost impossible not to treat every denizen of this planet with the same respect that we would treat a family member. Because, we’re all connected, we’re all energy, we’re all one. So, as we go throughout our lives, hopefully, more, and more people will continue to awaken to the fact that when we hurt any other thing on this planet, we’re actually hurting ourselves.

Even if we don’t see it right away, long-term, it catches up to us.