Health, Wellness and Vitality
Vibravision can greatly enhance health, wellness and overall vitality through processes of energy building, aligning and clearing; structured movements; breath work (particularly hypoxic breath holding); meditation and positive visualizations. These unique combinations of activities, developed and proven over at least 500 years, are extremely powerful, effective and quick.
We help our students build energy on demand, enhancing performance, stamina and supporting better alertness, awareness and overall cognitive performance.
Many schools of health, especially in the East, believe energy imbalances and blockages are the root of health issues. Vibravision enables you to quickly clear and align energy, helping to eliminate or minimize health issues and support optimally functioning physiology. Consider this optimizing our bodies as electrophysical systems.

Vibravision techniques can rapidly reduce stress and stressor response, create a sense of connection and safety, improve resilience, enable much greater focus and attention and in general quickly get you into states of wellbeing. Some early scientific analysis of Vibravision shows our ability to rapidly create altered brain states associated with connection, intuition, and reduced stress. You might say, Vibravision is one of the ultimate state management tools. Vibravision practices help you feel great!
Research shows that managed breathwork (especially hypoxic or low oxygen and high carbon dioxide techniques such as used in Vibravision) can strongly support a strong immune system.
Vibravision techniques support physiological enhancements such as better regulation of Blood Pressure, Blood sugar, VO2 Max, HRV, Vagal Tone, blood oxygenation, Heart/Brain Coherence, Lactate threshold, Oxygen Utilization, ATP levels and Mitochondrial function, managing Cortisol levels (stress and relaxation), Telomere length (there are studies in Indonesia showing telomere lengthening with some of our more advanced practices).

In Indonesia, where Vibravision was developed, Power breathing is used in every branch of their military, presidential secret service, and many branches of law enforcement and security because it has been proven to increase energy and stamina, reduce sick days, and develop calmness in high-pressure situations.
*While this is anecdotal, many students have reported lowered blood pressure, blood sugar regulation, temperature control, elimination of aches and pain, healing from injuries and surgeries in ½ the expected time as reported by Doctors, stress management, greater strength and flexibility, resistance to disease, and faster healing from infections. In Indonesia, medical studies have been done showing the reversal of several kinds of cancer (such as lung and brain cancers) reversal and maintenance of Type-2 diabetes, and even lengthening of telomeres (reverse-aging).
*Note, Vibravision makes no medical claims or promises and any mention of medical benefits is anecdotal. Please see your physician for any medical issues.