We are living in the most fantastical age of humanity.

  • We have things easier than any of our forebears had.
  • We have the ability to communicate across vast distances immediately.
  • We have access to healthcare and medicine that a hundred years ago they would have been magic, where even now, today; it’s kind of like magic.

But a lot of people don’t know this, between 2001 or 2011; I’m just going to take one specific affliction, asthma, asthma increased by 25%. So think about this for a second; you have polluted air that you can’t get away from, we have additives in our food that we can’t control or don’t even know or we’re not even told about, we have the most obese population in the world.

We have these different things that are coming into our body that we’re not being made aware of or they’re labelled to seem like they’re healthy but they’re not.

Breath is life

The one thing that we really can control right off the bat is the way that we breathe. Everybody’s got to do it, right? We do it unconsciously thousands of times a day, but most of us never really ponder what our breath is doing for us, but it’s also helping to expel toxins and help us stay healthy, besides just being alive.

So if you take breathwork for example, which is now all the rage, as rightfully it should be, if you incorporate a simple breathwork practice into your life, just imagine what can happen to your breath, to your weight, to your life, to your energy, to your happiness, to your connectedness, to your embodiment, to your oneness, the list goes on and on because breath is life. Everybody understands that, but most people don’t ever focus on it.

What makes Vibravision and Merpati Putih breathwork stand out?

There is no breathwork like it in the world, period. There are a lot of people out there that do breathwork, which is fantastic. This is the next level. Everybody, I mean 100% of people that have trained with us who have years of breathwork and meditation experience under their belt from many modalities, every single one agrees that Vibravision is the next level.

It is going to help all of humanity truly move to a different plane of understanding of health, fitness and of energy. Hope you’ll join us. We look forward to seeing you soon.
