Hi, my name is Teresa. I came to Vibravision really because I was very intrigued about

• The skillset that I saw the people participating in
• The videos that they had developed.
• They were able to see without their eyes.
• They were able to see blindfolded and it looked real.

I doubted learning the skillsets

I had no doubt about it, but what I really doubted was could I learn the skillsets?
And after spending five days here, I can honestly say my mind is completely blown. We’re all-powerful beings. God created us wonderfully, right? But we’re not taught truly how wonderfully he created us and the skills that we’ve got and the abilities that we’ve got.

What Vibravision uses

Vibravision uses an age-old technology to tap into a basic instinct that we don’t even understand that we have. And it’s been just an amazing experience, could not be more excited to use my new skillsets and to continue learning and growing.
