Building, Managing & Directing
Personal Energy and Overall Power
One of the amazing things Vibravision does is help you quickly and powerfully build, store and direct energy within your body as well as externally.
This begins in the Level 1 Immersions where the focus is learning to build energy and power (Chi) internally, and is expanded upon in Levels 2 and 3 where you learn to also pull energy from the environment (like water) and to manage and direct it with even more efficiency and impact.
Vibravision’s power building and maintenance techniques teach you to create energy on demand as well as build up and store energy necessary to “power” your expanded perceptual awareness and intuition. Think of it kind of like charging up a battery to power a flashlight so you can “see” and sense, or like the power for a radar system allowing you to send out energy that is reflected back and made into an image.
The Merpati Putih and Vibravision method teaches people of all ages to build, use, and direct their energy in ways that can be applied as force as in breaking things (see Vibravision co-founder Mike Zeleznick above breaking 25 steel bars – the world record at that time – without harming himself), to protect them from threats in the environment, to create more powerful and efficient energy usage in the body for athletic endeavors and vitality. Many of our members report healing from injuries much faster than expected as well as a boost in their immune system to help them stay safe from diseases and many of the chronic health conditions that so many suffer from.
In our Immersions we will also teach you to build a protective energy shield around yourself where you determine what you want to let in and what you keep out. Energy workers and empathis in particular rave about this.
Some of our most advanced members have even demonstrated telekenesis and remote breaking; the ability to direct their energy to move objects without touching them as seen in the photo above.
Rooted in the science of hypoxic breathwork, Merpati Putih’s one-of-a-kind method produces results faster than any other method known (that we’re aware of), and regardless of belief, ALL who experience it notice rapid improvements in their physical, mental, emotional, and energetic state of being.